Stenden Hotel Management School wins European Mise en Place Cup 2015
Anne Faulmann, Tatjana Bischof and Enno Lieder, students of the International Hospitality Programme of the Stenden Hotel Management School are the proud winners of the European Mise en Place Cup 2015 (EMCup). Stenden, the biggest hotel school in Europe, is very proud of winning this prestigious competition of the European Hotel Schools. Students of the Glion Institute of Higher Education in Switzerland were placed second.
安妮?福尔曼(Anne Faulmann),塔季扬娜?比斯科夫(Tatjana Bischof),恩诺?利德(Enno Lieder),这几名学生来自斯坦德酒店管理学院国际酒店管理专业,是这次比赛的荣誉得主。斯坦德学院 – 欧洲最大的酒店管理学院,对于赢得这项在欧洲酒店学院之间享有盛誉的竞赛感到非常自豪。在这场竞赛中,来自瑞士(Switzerland)格里昂酒店管理学院(Glion Institute of Higher Education)的学生获得第二名。
The EMCup is the yearly competition amongst the best European Hotel Management Schools. This competition is joined by prestigious hotel schools of various European countries such as Austria, Belgium, Denmark, England, France, Germany, Ireland, Luxemburg, Norway, Romania, Spain, Switzerland, Netherlands. This initiative of HotelloTOP, the networking organisation for graduates of International Hospitality Management Schools, and co-creator Mise en Place, has grown into a real statement since the competitions’ foundation in 2009.
EMCup是欧洲最好的酒店管理学院之间进行的年度竞赛。参与这场竞赛的都是久负盛名的酒店学院,并且这些酒店学院来自欧洲各国如奥地利(Austria),比利时(Belgium),丹麦(Denmark),英国(England),法国(France),德国(Germany),爱尔兰(Ireland),卢森堡(Luxemburg),挪威(Norway),罗马尼亚(Romania),西班牙(Spain),瑞士(Switzerland),荷兰(The Netherlands)。HotelloTOP是为国际酒店管理学院的毕业生而建的网络关系组织,是Mise en Place这个竞赛的创建者之一,自2009年展开这项竞赛以来它的首创精神已经发展成为正式宣言。
Stenden hosts THE-ICE CONFERENCE 2015
We are proud to announce that Stenden will host the THE-ICE 9th International Panel of Ex-perts (IPoE) Forum 2015.
我们骄傲的宣布 - 斯坦德大学将举办2015年国际优秀酒店教育协会第九届国际专家论坛会。
荷兰斯坦德大学 - Stenden University
咨询联络电话:010-8447 6928
189 0119 3685
办公地址:北京市 东城区东直门外大街48号东方银座C座16E