
[校园生活] Stenden University - 荷兰顶级国际酒店学校

“Top International Hotel Schools in The Netherlands” 



  由克雷格?汤姆森博士( Dr. Craig Thompson)报道 

  斯坦德酒店管理大学(Stenden Hotel Management School)教务长 

  莱瓦顿(Leeuwarden),荷兰(The Netherlands) 

  通过在英格兰(England),苏格兰(Scotland),澳大利亚(Australia)和新西兰(New Zealand)的教育机构工作,以及担任瑞士最大的酒店管理学院的教务长,我对全球酒店教育的有了一个全面的见解。 


  之所以这么说是因为荷兰杰出的应用科技大学体系(Universities of Applied Science),其中也包括学校出色的运营模式。这不仅激励也确实要求学校着眼于行业需要。另外荷兰斯坦德酒店学院的数量被控制在五所,以此来保证每所学院可以接受到大量的申请,确保其在所属大学的重要地位。也可以保证学院接受到合理的预算分配,用来完善和扩展学校的基础设施。因此,荷兰酒店管理学校都在设法保持并扩大他们课程的(昂贵)实践部分,和昂贵的实践设施来服务这些部分。这一过程已经在保持荷兰酒店教育的威望和地位上产生了长期的连锁反应,这已经使学校吸引了高素质和积极的申请者。



  关于该体系如何造就如此卓越的酒店管理学校,斯坦德酒店管理大学(Stenden Hotel Management School )是最好的例子。斯坦德酒店管理大学是欧洲最大的酒店管理学校,单是在一流的四年制国际酒店管理专业( International Hospitality Management )就拥有超过2400名学生,除此之外,斯坦德酒店管理学校还格外强调从实践中学习(Real World Learning),并且它是荷兰唯一一所得到弗兰德认证组织(Dutch Flemish Accreditation Authority)官方认证的学校。从实践中学习意味着斯坦德大学试图在实践中教育学生并为了实践应用而教育学生。同样,很多学习内容是通过问题为导向的学习法(Problem Based Learning )而教授的,学生通过小组的形式(通常是十二个人为一组)来研究案例并解决问题。而且斯坦德大学是荷兰唯一一所经营着完善的四星级商务酒店的学校,在学位教育的前三年学生都要在斯坦德酒店工作。此外斯坦德酒店管理学校通过给学生提供留学旅行( Grand Tour )的机会使他们可以在卡塔尔(Qatar),泰国( Thailand),南非(South Africa ),巴厘岛( Bali)等一所或多所国际分校中完成他们的部分课程。而且,尽管面临种种挑战,通过要求所有的学生在整个第四学年或最后学年的行业实习,斯坦德酒店管理大学已经能满足行业需要。这创造了从毕业到就业的无缝转换,有97.3%来自酒店管理专业的毕业生在毕业四个月之内就进入了职场。



  然而,酒店行业是这样一个行业——它需要一定的态度和精神,就像需要技能和知识一样。因此,斯坦德酒店管理大学从第一天起就努力灌输学生专业乐观的态度和服务意识。学习酒店管理课程时学校会向学生展示专业能力档案(Professional Competency Profile )。在这个档案里员工客人甚至是同事都能记录学生所展现出的专业能力案例并且这一案例要符合酒店的需要。这本专业能力档案强调三点即准备(在正确的地点,正确的时间,使用正确的设备,做正确的准备)专业(用对的方法做对的事)和参与(置身其中,身先士卒,乐于助人)。在斯坦德期间每个学生的任务是尽可能多的收集能够展现他们专业能力的证据。毕业时,这个档案就成为个人行为档案( Personal Conduct Profile),与毕业成绩单一起作为该毕业生已经准备好并有能力胜任职场工作的证据。



荷兰斯坦德大学 - Stenden University
咨询联络电话:010-8447 6928 
       189 0119 3685 
  办公地址:北京市 东城区东直门外大街48号东方银座C座16E

“Top International Hotel Schools in The Netherlands” 

Section: Education Volume 4 Issue 18 

Responses by Dr. Craig Thompson 

Academic Dean Stenden Hotel Management School 

Leeuwarden, The Netherlands 


Through having worked in institutions in the England, Scotland, Australia and New Zealand, as well as being the Academic Director for Switzerland’s largest provider of hospitality education, I have developed a good overview of global hospitality education.
All institutions and all national systems are different, but I can honestly say Dutch hotels schools do stand out.
Part of the reason for this is the Dutch system of Universities of Applied Science, within which the school’s operate. This not only encourages the schools to retain their industry focus, it actually demands it. Furthermore, the fact that the number of hotel schools in The Netherlands is limited to just five,has ensured each receives a healthy number of applications and thus retains a significant position within the institution they are part of. This in turn has ensured the schools have received a significant allocation of the available budget, and thus that they have been able to develop and expand facilities. As such, hotel schools in The Netherlands have managed to retain and even expand the (expensive) practical elements within their programme, and the (expensive) practical facilities require to service these elements. This process has had a long-term knock-on effect effect of maintaining a high level of prestige and status for hospitality education in The Netherlands, which has enabled hotel schools to attract highly qualified and motivated applicants.
In contrast, in other countries where the number of institutions offering hospitality has not been controlled, institutions have often faced fierce competition for applications and many have experienced dwindling numbers. As a consequence, hotel schools have often suffered the fate of being consumed by larger departments, in which they are the poorer relatives of larger domains (like business or management) or have remained as barely viable units amongst much stronger departments. Either way, the schools have suffered declining budgets and have thus had to cut back on more expensive parts of the curriculum, often the practical elements. This has resulted in the institutions concerned offering programmes with little or no practical content or experiential learning. This means that the programmesthat remain are financial viable, but practically barren, which further reduces their appeal to students. More importantly perhaps, whilst these progrmames are academically and theoretical sound, they often fail to meet the needs of industry who seek graduates with theoretical knowledge AND practical skills.
In short, The Netherlands has managed to control hospitality education ensuring Hotel schools offer vibrant, dynamic and practical programmes, which attract students AND meet the needs of industry.

Stenden Hotel Management School is a prime example of how this system has promulgated excellent and highly successful hotel schools. Stenden HMS is Europe’s single largest hotel schools, with more than 2400 students on the flagship four-year degree in International Hospitality Management (IHM) programme alone. Despite the number of students, Stenden HMS places an emphasis on Real World Learning, and is the only hotel school in The Netherlands to have this officially recognized as a distinctive feature by the NVAO (Dutch Flemish Accreditation Authority). Real World Learning means that Stenden attempts to educate students for and in the real world. As such, much of the content is actually delivered through Problem Based Learning (PBL), whereby students work in small groups (typically 12) working on cases and solving problems. Furthermore, Stenden is the only school in The Netherlands to operate a fully commercial hotel, the 4* Stenden Hotel, within which all students work in each of the first three years of the degree programme. Furthermore, through Stenden HMS offers students the unique opportunity of being able to participate in the Grand Tour whereby they study part of their programme at one, or more, of the International Branch Campuses in Qatar, Thailand, South Africa or Bali. Moreover, despite all the challenges, Stenden HMS has responded to the needs of industry by requiring that all students undertake their entire fourth and final year on placement in industry. This creates a seamless transition into employment, resulting in the fact that 97.3% of graduates from the IHM programme proceed into employment within four months of graduation.

The hospitality industry is ‘the’ international industry, so Stenden HMS strives to be the international hotel school. English is the language of hospitality, so all programmes within Stenden HMS are taught in English. However, graduates will be working in an environment where they work with and serve people from a myriad of nationalities each day. To prepare them for this Stenden HMS also recruits students...and staff...from a huge variety of nationalities. But, to ensure graduates are not only aware of, but have first hand experience in different cultural contexts, Stenden HMS positively encourages all students to study abroad through participating in the Grand Tour, or by undertaking their placement in an international context. 

Stenden HMS aims to prepare graduates who are able to enter the profession hitting the ground running, and ultimately be leaders of the hospitality industry, and related industries. As such, Stenden HMS provides students with the opportunity to develop all the skills and knowledge they will require in their professional career. 
However, hospitality is as industry that requires a certain attitude and ethos, as much as it does skills and knowledge. Therefore, Stenden HMS tries to instill this professional, can-do, service minded attitudefrom day one. All students are presented with a Professional Competency Profile (PCP) when they join the IHM programme. In this log staff, guests and even colleagues are able to record examples of where the student in question displayed the competencies expected of a hospitality professional. The PCP places an emphasis on the 3Ps of preparedness (being in the right place, at the right time, with the right equipment and preparation), professionalism (doing the right thing in the right way) and participation (getting involved, leading from the front and helping others). Each student is tasked to gather as much evidence (as many entries) of their own professional competencies as possible during their time at Stenden (and on placement). On graduation this log is turned into a Personal Conduct Profile, which sits alongside the degree transcript as evidence that this graduate is ready and able to hit the ground running!

Good service is all about exceeding expectations. Stenden HMS tries to educate students to be able to anticipate, identify and read expectations in guests...and then to be able to meet and exceed them. Whether it is through theoretical classes (like reading the guest), Real World Learning (serving guests in Stenden Hotel), intercultural experiences (on the Grand Tour) or work experience (during their 10 month industrial placement on the final year of the IHM programme), the entire IHM programme aims to ensure graduates are able to hit the ground running...providing outstanding service to their employers and guests from day one.

Stenden HMS is the only hotel school in The Netherlands who is accredited as delivering Real World Learning. In essence, Real World Learning aims to educate students in and for the real world using situations, cases, examples and environments that as closely resemble the real world as possible. In reality this means that all students work in the fully commercial 4* Stenden Hotel, in all the first three years of the IHM programme. In the first years students undertake operational roles, in the second they have supervisory positions and in the third year they actually manage the hotel....this is the ultimate in learning by doing. In addition, the majority of theory classes with the IHM programme are delivered through Problem Based Learning (PBL), whereby students work in small groups (typically 12) working on real industry cases (some deriving from Stenden Hotel) and solving real problems. Finally, the hospitality industry has repeatedly stressed they need graduates who can do as well as think... and Stenden HMS has responded to this by requiring all students undertake their entire fourth and final year on placement in industry. This creates a seamless transition into employment, resulting in the fact that 97.3% of graduates from the IHM programme proceed into employment within four months of graduation.

