在此,我自豪地宣布我校与世界级酒店领导品牌 - 洲际酒店正式形成合作伙伴关系,这给我校(国际)学生带来众多福利。
Press release
Stenden Hotel Management School receives the official partnership certificate from Intercontinental Hotels Group head quarters in Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
近日,斯坦德酒店管理大学(Stenden Hotel Management School)收到总部位于美国乔治亚州亚特兰大(Atlanta, Georgia, USA)的洲际酒店(Intercontinental Hotels Group)发来的官方合作证书。
Added value
The certificate is the acknowledgement of years of past ventures and, hopefully, many more (ad)ventures to come. Although Stenden and IHG two have been working together over the last decade, there is a definite added value with this recognition. All IHG properties with Stenden students (not only the hotels in the USA) will now be able to enter the student in the IHG Academy - Stenden partnership. The fact that a student gets this “stamp” means it will enhance their internship experience through the academy’s support, coaching, training and development programs, even more so than before. Hotels can now expose the student to more intense and IHG specific material that will enhance the students experience and will bridge together the growth of the student and the talent development IHG is looking for.
“This partnership will provide students with strong, motivated and hands-on talent”.
According to Nicole Vermolen, Stenden Placement Mentor in the USA: “Looking at it from the IHG side we can definitely say that the partnership will provide students with strong, motivated and hands-on talent. We as Stenden will have another edge over other Hotel Management Programs as we now have an established, recognized partnership that will put us globally in front of the line when it comes to the selection procedures. In the end the win-win is obvious: great talent will be acknowledged, nurtured and developed in one of the best hotel chains with the sole purpose of making an individual thrive and kick start their career”.
据斯坦德大学在美国的就业导师Nicole Vermolen说:“从洲际酒店的角度来讲,我们可以肯定的说这次的合作伙伴关系将给洲际酒店带来精明能干,积极进取,实践经历丰富的人才。对我们学校来说,跟其它学校的酒店管理课程相比,我们将更具优势,对于想学习酒店管理的学生来说我们学校将成为首选。显而易见,这次合作一定会是双赢的局面:杰出的人才将在全球最棒的连锁酒店得到认可,培养和发展,这些人唯一的目标就是使自己得到全面发展然后在酒店业旗开得胜。”
In the USA, Stenden works with 8 IHG properties. Over the last 10 years, they have taken on positions like Chief Steward at the InterCon the Mark Hopkins in San Francisco and assistant Outlet Manager at the InterCon Chicago and the Barclay New York. Many students stay with the company after graduation and there are many Alumni who currently hire Stenden students for their departments.
斯坦德大学的毕业生遍布美国的八家洲际酒店。过去十年间,他们在旧金山(San Francisco)马克霍普金斯洲际酒店(InterCon the Mark Hopkins)担任主管,在芝加哥洲际酒店和纽约洲际酒店担任餐厅副经理。很多学生在毕业后进入洲际酒店工作,很多校友在为自己的部门招聘人才时会选择斯坦德学生。
荷兰斯坦德大学 - Stenden University
咨询联络电话:010-8447 6928
189 0119 3685
办公地址:北京市 东城区东直门外大街48号东方银座C座16E