
[成功案例] 恭喜JIANG同学获得荷兰斯坦德大学2014年10月入学通知书!



荷兰斯坦德大学 Stenden University of Applied Sciences
咨询电话:010-8447 6928
                  189 0119 3685

办公地址:北京市 东城区 东直门外大街48号 东方银座A座19F



   无意中在网上看到GHEAC对荷兰斯坦德大学的入学报名表,我用手机填了之后就忘了这件事。没想到三天之后客服就联系了我。我本来对九月入学已不抱太大 的希望,但是被告知可以赶上最后一次面试,我可以说是欣喜至极。面试之前,GHEAC的小丹在电话中为我细致入微的培训、叮嘱,使我在最后一次面试机会中 顺利通过。在准备申请材料的过程中,确实是有一些磕磕绊绊的地方。例如Nuffic证书出现了问题,当我一筹莫展干着急的时候,小丹和贲老师为我联系学校 办事处的代表,帮我拟写发至Nuffic总部的邮件等等。帮助我解决一个又一个的难题,安抚我焦急等待的情绪。这对于我一个之前因被中介忽悠,下决心 diy的申请者来说是十分幸运的。如今我顺利地拿到了斯坦德大学的offer以及荷兰的签证,我十分感谢GHEAC的各位老师们。我也希望有更多的同学能 和我一样如此幸运地遇到GHEAC,顺利走上出国深造之路!



[校友风采] 北京康莱德酒店学习与发展经理——斯坦德大学校友刘恺先生






假 如一个酒店需要350个员工,那么,100家酒店就会需要35000名员工。这就给当地创造了35000个工作机会。从人力资源的角度来看,这些员工是从 哪里来的呢?他们可能是来自于中国或者国际上其他的酒店,但是大多数是来自酒店管理集团的本身。大多数国际酒店管理公司已经在本公司设置了人才招募,人才 发展和人才挽留计划来应对在不久的将来,酒店业巨大的人才需求。不同的公司有着自己多种多样的计划,但是有一点是共同的,那就是,发现人才,施展他们的能 力去适应今后的领导岗位。


酒 店业或者是酒店商务无疑会成为最基本的商业服务。服务将会是所有产业中最重要的环节之一。比如教育业,银行业,旅游业等等,如果想在市场上占有更好的竞争 力,服务在其中重要的作用是为客人创造额外的价值。拿教育行业来说,量身制定学习计划以及灵活的学习时间是高端客户的要求。为的是应对沉重的工作负荷和紧 张的工作安排。这是服务拥有的附加价值,也就是酒店业的根本。 




这 个学习方法的关键是在于学生们需要通过小组讨论解决和分析课堂上所教授的知识。学生们通过与小组成员的讨论得出解决问题的不同方法和途径。问题有可能需要 创意或者创新,也可能是关于控制成本等等。PBL学习方法是非常关键的,因为它模拟了现实社会中真正的管理团队。当然,PBL学习方法也取决于参与者的参 与程度。





所 以毕业之后你可以做什么呢?最有可能是专注于运营工作。例如侍者或前台等。 运营是酒店最基础的工作。学生会从中获得大量的工作经验,这需要花几年的时间去了解酒店中大部分的业务。说到这里,可能会产生疑问,我们为什么需要花4年 的时间去学习如何服务。食物的提供是一个古老的概念。作为一个服务员,不应该仅仅停留在对食物的提供,还应该掌握就餐体验的艺术,介绍与客人相匹配的食 物。这需要知识,技能和销售技巧。只有这样,才可能达到对人员管理的更高层次。只有掌握了这些重要元素,才有成为一名经理的可能。

咨询电话:010-8447 6928
                189 0119 3685
办公地址:北京市 东城区 东直门外大街48号 东方银座A座19F

Interview with Kai Liu, Learning & Development Manager, Stenden Alumlus
Conrad Beijing

Why hospitality?

Tremendously Development
Hospitality is very well developed in most of European Countries as well as in the States, However in China it is still at the fundamental level. Clearly for us, we can easily trend here is growly tremendously. From the International Hotel Management Company, it is easily to realize in the coming 5 years there will be at least 100 Hotels managed by international company is opening in China only.
What this number means to us? - Great opportunities for the career development as well as a great demand of talent.
Suppose each hotel will need at 350 employees, 100 hotels sum up needs at least 35000 employees. That creates 35000 job opportunities for the local communities. From HR perspectives, where those people come from?  It could come from other hotels in China or international, but mostly from Management Group itself. Most of International Hotel Management Company has setup talent acquisition, talent development and talent retention programs in China or for Chinese nations because of the tremendous needs in the coming future for hospitality business. All the programs are varies by different companies, but there are something in common, discover the talent, stretch their abilities and prepared for the future leadership positions.

The fundamental of Service
Hospitality or hotel business is definitely become the fundamental business service. Service is becoming one the most important elements in all the industry. For instance, education, bank, tourism etc, for the purpose to be competitive within the market, Service is taking an important role is creating the additional value for guests. Taking education as example, creative tailor made learning schedule as well as well flexible learning hours is coming the high demands of the upscale clients. Of course the upscale clients is paying for the tailor made schedule and flexible learning hours because of the clients specific demands, heavy working load and tight work schedule. This is the additional value that service added and that is what the fundamental of hospitality.

What Stenden will bring to you?
An international Learning environment where we can learn and benefit from each other.

PBL – Problem Based Learning
It is a critical learning method that students form groups to solve analysis and solve the problems that lector assigned or people discovered. During the discussion, students need to engaging and work with team to discover the solution of the problems in different approaches. Could be creative and innovation or cost controlling etc.  PBL is very critical, because it is the simulation of real management team nowadays in the real world, but the benefit of PBL is depends on the degree of the participants’ engagement.

A real hotel school
Stenden University has its own 4 star Luxury Hotel that operated by students. During the study at Stenden, students can experience the operation and combine the theoretical part and operation part which maximize the learning experience. In addition, stenden offers a great opportunity to have last year internship in Europe, Asia and the States as an extra benefits for future career development.

What will do after graduation?

It is very popular question. If I studied hotel management, will I got a Management level position after graduation. The answer is definitely not. It is same with other subject as well, if you study law, you most like will not become a lawyer after graduation but a clerk instead.
So what will you do after graduation? Most of the possibilities will be focused in operation. This implies students will take a role waiter or receptionist etc. Operation is the basic of the hotel.  It also takes time for students to get more experience and to approve themselves. It will take a few years as most of the business. Talking about it, a question might be raised that why need to study for 4 years for simply serving the food. Serving food is one of old concept. Being a waiter is not simply serving the food, but to master the art of dining experience. To introduce the food guests with a fit. It requires the knowledge, the skill and up selling technique. Eventually, it will come the a higher level which goes to people management. For becoming a manager, those are the important elements a employee need to master with.


[校友风采] 至未来的酒店经营者——北京福朋喜来登的董事总经理 / 斯坦德大学咨询董事会成员


       我叫张磊,是北京福朋喜来登的董事总经理。作为斯坦德大学的咨询委员会成员,我非常欣喜的看到, 斯坦德大学为酒店行业输送了大量的有着突出才能和深远发展潜力的人才。他们有着良好的思想品格,过人的学习能力,有效的领导才能和开朗的性格。 因此他们活跃在世界上知名的酒店中并得到了广泛的好评。

       作为管理者,我个人对于能够拥有如此优秀的人才进行工作表示非常的兴奋和自豪。 在他们身上,我总能感受到他们的进步,从而增强了信心。他们运用他们卓越的专业知识和个人能力,得到了顾客们和同事们的满意。

       雇佣斯坦德大学培养出的如此专业的员工是酒店未来成功的基础。作为这些人才的培养地, 斯坦德大学,我想你们是非常为他们骄傲的。他们在酒店领域将会有一个光明的未来。我同时也期待着他们在专业领域中过人的表现。


Lei Zhang
no. 25 yuanda road, haidian district
beijing 100097, china
邮政编码 100097

咨询电话:010-8447 6928
                189 0119 3685
办公地址:北京市 东城区 东直门外大街48号 东方银座A座19F


[校园生活] Stenden University 荷兰斯坦德大学 - 学生感言

Stenden University 荷兰斯坦德大学 - 学生感言


Agnes from Germany
Agnes 来自德国

"I find PBL one of the most useful and helpful classes at Stenden. It requires selfstudy,but you also have to share your findings and ideas with others. PBL sessions make me more confident towork in a group. It is nice to learn from each other.“

Larry Nkacha fromCameroon
Larry Nkacha来自喀麦隆
"Stenden University of Applied Sciences is very welcoming. It provides a quiet and conducive environment. The lectures are really punctual and the students are dedicated in studying.”

Ayudh Bhattarai from Nepal
Ayudh Bhattarai 来自尼泊尔
"Before I came to Stenden and the Netherlands I expected to have a hard time settling in, but the amazing international environment and the friendly people of the international office made it very easy.’’

中文网站:http://www.gheac.com/edu/stenden/咨询电话:010-8447 6928
                189 0119 3685咨询QQ:800093391   
办公地址:北京市 东城区 东直门外大街48号 东方银座A座19F

Student experiences

‘Via the Marketing department, I got familiar with the D-team from Stenden. During the school visits, I was able to tell my old school friends about why I choose to study in the Netherlands at Stenden university. This is the nicest job I can possibly get here!’

‘After my application to become a member of the Promoteam, I received a professional training in presentation skills. This also helped me a lot during my study.’

‘Last year, I went with a group of other students to the study fair in Utrecht. Besides the great fun we had, we have learnt a lot and it was nice to help other students with their choice of study.’

‘The reason for me to be active in promoting Stenden is because I like to and because I can help improve the information which is given and talk to a lot potential students. When I was looking for a study, I also received valuable information from experienced students.’



[校园生活] Stenden University 荷兰斯坦德大学 - 教学优势

        Stenden University 荷兰斯坦德大学 - 教学优势


       Affordable and high quality education


       A good balance between practice and theory



       How does PBL work?
       一个班级的学生被分为12-至15人得小组,系统的分析真实的公司案例:通过头脑风暴,把案例呈现的问题分解成研究课题,然后通过自主学习创造实际的结局 方案,并通过同组组员之间的配合与其他小组的提问质疑完善学习结果。学习过程的每个环节教师只是起到辅助监督的作用。


       在第一节PBL的课堂上,你与你的组员将着手分析这个实际案例,通过将案例分解细化,从而发现在那些领域需要更多的信息。然后在大学的多媒体图书馆,查阅 参考书,杂志期刊,视频以及网站来得到用于解决问题的理论基础,以及相关案例。小组的组长将引导PBL单元的进度以及记录下讨论结果。而教师的作用则是在 小组学习过程中提供支持并对于学术问题给予反馈。

       在第二次PBL研讨会上,你将向你的组员介绍你解决问题的方案。通过讨论大家,可以互补信息和鼓励彼此开阔思路或是发现重要的某一方面进行深入思考。案例 中的问题往往不是单方面的,所以每名组员必须要做出贡献,因为不同的个人经历和知识背景,看问题的不同角度的互补,才是解决现实社会中复杂案例的前提。


       International education environment

       另外, 斯坦德拥有:


       It’s your future
       我们的目标是培养有效的国际化的管理人才去适应整个多元化的世界和迅速变化的市场。我们要确保学生在毕业后能够准备好立刻进入社会。所以我们在教学课程 中,融入PBL教学方法去开发学生们的主动性。在学习中,我们会给学生提供真实的工作机会使得他们可以更好的积累相关的有价值的工作经验。我们鼓励学生去 参加我们的海外游学课程进行在荷兰之外的国家的学习,或者在第二年或第三年的学习中,参加我们的交换生项目。在最后一年的学习中,我们会帮助学生找到他们 实习的地方,这当然也不局限于荷兰,使学生们完成他们的全面教育。

       The learning companies-theory meets practice
       斯坦德大学在很多专业所设“内部公司”的专业企业训练课程。在这里,学生不仅能定时的收到报酬,而且会在训练中获得组织培训机会,从真实客户分配的工作中 获得大量的专业经验。斯坦德大学下设的公司包括自己拥有的四星级酒店,会议中心,ISM研究所,大学食堂和媒体工作室等。每个学生可以在学习的过程中自主 选择希望实践的内容。因为我们希望更好的有助于整个世界的发展,而我们所拥有的公司也是以国际化和生态平衡为导向的。


       Major-Minor structure



中文网站:http://www.gheac.com/edu/stenden/咨询电话:010-8447 6928
                  189 0119 3685
办公地址:北京市 东城区 东直门外大街48号 东方银座A座19F

Studying at Stenden
Stenden University facts:

•        Affordable and high quality education
•        Accredited bachelor and master programmes
•        Innovative and entrepreneurial

A good balance between practice and theory

Every Bachelor study programme comes with an internship in the final year of the curriculum and in some cases also practical parts throughout the years.
•        Problem based learning
•        Learning companies
•        Paid internships with internationally acknowledged companies

International education environment
Both local and  international students from over 60 different nationalities are currently studying at Stenden.
In addition, Stenden has:
        Curriculum in English
        International teachers

It’s your future
Our goal is to prepare effective international managers for leadership responsibilities in a complex multicultural world and a rapidly changing marketplace. We want to be sure you are ready to enter the world of work immediately after graduation. So we teach you to work in teams but also to take initiative yourself trough Problem Based Learning. We give you the opportunity to work in our acclaimed Learning Companies – true-to-life businesses where you accumulate valuable and relevant work experience while studying. We encourage you to study abroad on our Grand Tour or an exchange programme in your second or third year minor semester. In your final year we help you find an internship place – which could also be abroad – to complete your all-round education.

The learning companies-theory meets practice
The in-house Learning Companies are professional training enterprises for various Stenden study programmes. Here, students not only receive regular tuition, they also benefit from training in real organisations, working on real assignments from external customers and gaining enormous professional experience. The Learning Companies include our own four-star hotel, including restaurants, a conference centre, the ISM research institute, the university canteens and a studio/production facility for media work. Each student programme has its own dedicated Learning Company or dedicated practical component. Because we want to contribute to a better world, all our Learning Companies are internationally and ecologically oriented.

Major-Minor structure
During your study you can devote part of the regular study load towards a specialisation. This specialisation is referred to as your minor. The major that you undertake will be the main focus of your study, for example, International Tourism Management or International Business and Languages.

The major deals with those subjects and disciplines that are particular to the industry you are being educated about. The major consists of the foundation phase, the main phase (i.e. the first 2,5 years of the course) and the internship. You need 210 credits to complete your major.

The minor consists of subjects that give depth or breadth to your course. It may also count as preparation towards a possible Master’s programme you might like to take. The minors are offered in the third year and represent a study load of either a single minor of 30 credits or two minors of 15 credits each.


Stenden University 荷兰斯坦德大学 - 设施与服务

        Stenden University 荷兰斯坦德大学 - 设施与服务


       Educational facilities

       Learning companies



       在冥想中心(Contemplation Centre),你可以使用佛教、印度教、伊斯兰教和基督教的冥想房间。你可以随意使用房间内的书籍、音乐、焚香、特殊服装等。你可以在祈祷室旁的浴室以传统的方式净化自己。

       我们拥有不同的祈祷室,因此各种独特的宗教符号、仪式、颜色、装饰等都能得到充分的表达,这对于不同的宗教传统至关重要。同时为了适应不同祈祷方式之类的 实际应用,我们有三间功能性的祈祷室。在某一种宗教中人们会坐着并保持安静,而另一种宗教中人们会站起来走动并且大声布道。


       斯坦德拥有学习所需的各种现代化设施,比如一个现代化自习大厅(study landscape)、一座图书馆、一个时尚的餐厅、一家斯坦德商店、一个多媒体柜台、一个职业介绍所和一家银行营业所(斯坦德大学莱瓦顿校区)无线网络在整座教学楼中都可使用。


       Student Counseling Department





中文网站:http://www.gheac.com/edu/stenden/咨询电话:010-8447 6928
                  189 0119 3685
办公地址:北京市 东城区 东直门外大街48号 东方银座A座19F


Educational facilities
•        Small classrooms and board meeting rooms
•        Convention centre (5 to 300 people)
•        Research institute: Lumius
Learning companies
•        Our own 4 star Hotel including restaurants
•        Congress center
•        School restaurants
•        Studio for media activities
Facilities and Services
•        Orientation, cultural and social programmes
•        Personal coaching and buddy system
•        Study, career and personal councelling
•        Job agency, bank, wireless internet, computer access at the University
•        Meditation centre
•        Furnished accommodations
•        Food and beverage in school restaurants
•        International student club Hestia

Contemplation Centre

Stenden University of Applied Sciences location Leeuwarden offers to both students and staff members the opportunity to contemplate, pray and meditate.

In the so called Contemplation Centre you can use the Buddhist/Hindu, Islamic and Christian room. Books, music, incense, special clothes etc. are all at your disposal. You can cleanse yourself in the traditional way in the bathroom next to the prayer rooms.

The existence of three different prayer rooms makes it possible to find a full expression of the unique religious symbols, rituals, colours, decorations, etc. which are essential to the spirituality of the various religious traditions. Also for practical reasons the existence of three prayer rooms is functional, for instance in regard of the prayer attitude. In one religion people will sit and be silent, in another religion people will stand up and move and pronounce the prayers.

Of course there are countless religious traditions and it is without doubt impossible to provide room for each distinct religious community or movement, but the three prayer rooms will be representative for the main religious traditions. As a Christian school Stenden is inspired by values such as responsibility, honesty, openness, respect, mutual commitment. These values determine the atmosphere in the silence centre.
Stenden has all modern facilities you need for your study, like a study landscape, a library, a trendy canteen, a Stendenshop, a mediacounter, a job agency, and a bankshop (Stenden Leeuwarden).

Wireless internet access is available throughout the building.

I-study provides students with specialist support and guidance, concerning their studies. They offer the following services/assistance with:
•        Registration and de-registration;Studielink;
•        Progress -registration of study results;
•        Information about Stenden University of Applied Sciences, study programs;
•        Information about study abroad/exchange/Grand Tour;
•        Appointments with the student counselors;
•        (class)room reservations;
•        Library-services (Assen, Emmen, Groningen and Meppel)

Student Counseling Department
For specific questions about your personal situation for which you have not found an answer at I-study or at your institute, you may contact one of our student counselors.

They can provide you with information, advice, support or counseling when you have:
•        Questions about your study career (doubts whether you have chosen for the right study-programme, a second course, advice about industrial placement and elective modules);
•        Problems with time management and study skills (training is offered)
•        Personal problems (leaving home, fear of failure, coping with mourning, stress, relation problems, etc.);
•        Study delay caused by special circumstances;
•        Study with a disability/limitations in functioning;
•        Conflicts, objections, appeals and Binding Study Advice

Hestia – A home away from home
Hestia Student Lounge is located just a hop away from the main entrance of the campus in Leeuwarden and consists of two houses. Since the lounge was opened in 2002 students can visit the facilities daily from 11:00 AM till 06:00 PM to study, relax, socialise or meet with their study groups. Coffee, tea and free WiFi is always available.
Students are also welcome to realise their own public event ideas such as dinners or even their private birthday party. The idea is to provide ‘a home away from home’ for Dutch and international students within an intercultural atmosphere.


[校园生活] 荷兰斯坦德大学(Stenden University) 绚丽多姿的莱瓦顿(Leeuwarden)!



[校园生活] 荷兰斯坦德大学(Stenden University) 校园美丽发现之旅!

