
[校园生活] Stenden University 荷兰斯坦德大学 - 国际学生入学活动

     [校园生活]Stenden University 荷兰斯坦德大学 - 国际学生入学活动      对于所有新到达的国际学生,斯坦德大学在学期开始的前几周安排了一系列的介绍活动,包括了在斯坦德大学如何学习生活,以及荷兰的国家介绍。这些活动可以帮助你更好地适应新环境。

       •学习启动周 (SSW)


Study Start Week
       在结束了介绍周之后,每一个斯坦德大学的新生将会参加学习启动周(SSW). 每一个不同的课程会有它独立的学习启动周。

       International Welcome Weekend
       每一年,斯坦德大学将会迎来许许多多来自世界各地学生。 他们可能和你一样,对莱瓦顿这个城市或者是荷兰这个国家了解的很少。这就是我们每一年组织这个特别的国际学生欢迎日的原因。国际学生欢迎日将会在周末举行,一般是由周五开始到周六的晚上结束。

     “了解斯坦德”是为了使国际新生们更加了解斯坦德大学,并且促进新生间互相了解而开设的课程。“了解斯坦德”一般会组织在周末进行,这会使你有机会去和其他的国际学生建立更好的联系,如果你在学习方面有任何问题,都可以和他们进行询问及讨论。 该课程将会在周六进行,每个月有一到两次。课程将会包括两个方面。 第一个方面将会进行将近两个小时。在这期间,你可以询问相关的问题,你的同伴们会为你解答。第二个方面将会是团队建设。这个课程将会在周六举行,因为大多数国际学生认为他们会在周末做一些有趣的事情。第一学期的课程将会开始于10月份结束于来年的1月份 ,分别是:10月份2次,11月份两次,12月份1次,最后一次活动将会是在来年的一月份。

       Buddy programme








Personal Coaching

中文网站:http://www.gheac.com/edu/stenden/咨询电话:010-8447 6928
         189 0119 3685
办公地址:北京市 东城区 东直门外大街48号 东方银座A座19F

For all of our new international students, an introduction programme has been organised.
Much information and many new impressions of Stenden University of Applied Sciences and life in Holland will come your way the first couple of weeks.

To make the first weeks easier, we will help you adjust to your new environment.
Introduction programme

First, we would like to inform you that as an international student you have the opportunity to get to know Leeuwarden and all other international students better, before the official school days begin. In order to fully prepare you for your study programme, the Stenden University has organized separate introduction programmes for you:"
•        Study Start Week (SSW)
•        International Welcome Weekend (IWW)
•        StendenWise
•        Buddy programme
•        Personal Coaching

Study Start Week

After the introduction weekend every new student at the Stenden University of Applied Sciences will participate in the study start week (SSW). Every study has its own Study Start Week. What the SSW per study entails will be explained on the Stenden website. Each student receives 1 credit for attending the SSW.

International Welcome Weekend

Every year, Stenden University of Applied Sciences welcomes hundreds of students from all over the world. They probably know just as little about Leeuwarden and Holland as you do. This is why we also organize a special International Introduction weekend for all International students every year. The introduction weekend starts on Friday and ends on Saturday evening.


StendenWise is a programme for first-year international students. StendenWise stands for Stenden University of Applied Sciences and Wise stands for becoming acquainted with Stenden. For the StendenWise programme we organize weekends, in which you have the possibility to get in touch with other international students and ask questions concerning your study.

The meetings will take place on one or two Saturdays every month. Each session contains two parts. Part one is a session which takes approximately 2 hours. During this time, you can ask questions, which will be answered by the buddies. The second part of the meeting consists of team building activities. The sessions will take place on Saturdays, as most international students feel that they would like to do something fun in the weekends.

The programme will be divided into 2 periods this study year. The first period will take place from October to January. We will have 2 meetings in October, 2 meetings in November, 1 meeting in December and the last one in January.

Buddy programme

A buddy or host (a senior student) will guide you through your first days in Holland. Of course this will be done in a nice and fun way. On the first day we start with getting to know the school and on the second day of the programme you will get to learn the Frisian capital of Leeuwarden.

Personal Coaching

Every student will be assigned a Personal or Study Coach who helps a student throughout the study period with personal matters, advice, study choices and guidance for study matters.



