
[校园生活] Stenden University 荷兰斯坦德大学 - 文化调节

Stenden University 荷兰斯坦德大学 - 文化调节

       Cultural adjustment
       当我们要在一个新的国度里生活时,通常涉及到的问题是:“文化冲击”(Culture Shock)。如果你曾经受到过电击,你肯定会知道这种惊讶的程度。你需要找到正确的方法去调节你在身体上、精神上和情感上的转变。这对于需要在国外生活 和适应文化冲击的人来讲是一种挑战。当然,每一个人的经历是不同的,但是一般来讲,新生们通常会经历三个阶段:






中文网站:http://www.gheac.com/edu/stenden/咨询电话:010-8447 6928
                  189 0119 3685
办公地址:北京市 东城区 东直门外大街48号 东方银座A座19F

Cultural adjustment
When adjusting to life in a new country, we refer to a strange phenomenon called ‘culture shock’ If you’ve ever had an electric shock, you know what a ‘surprise’ that is to your system. Finding your way through all of your physical, mental and emotional changes is part of the challenge of living abroad and coping with culture shock. Of course, each person’s experience is unique, but in general students will go through three phases:

•        the so-called honeymoon phase,
•        the I-hate-this-country-phase and finally the
•        adjustment phase.

During the first phase you will probably like and feel excited about everything you see, hear and experience.

In the second phase, your real life starts in the new environment and this can cause a state of shock. You will probably feel quite negative and reject it in favour of your own at home that feels so much more comfortable.

During the third phase, you learn slowly to function under the new conditions, you become more self-confident and you will integrate into your new social network. You will acknowledge the cultural differences and see the benefits of living and studying in Holland.

If you notice the signs of culture shock such as feelings of sadness, loneliness, homesickness or if you start to questioning your decision to move to this place, restassured that things will change for the better. Try go get involved in the social life and become active in your new environment. It does not matter whether you engage in sports, art, music or anything else you are interested in. As long as it is something you like doing and as long as you get to meet people.

Also, remember that you are not alone, nor do you have to go through this alone. You have your fellow international students, Dutch students and the staff of Stenden university: your teachers, student-counselor and the student-advisors. Do not hesitate to contact them.


