
[校园生活] Stenden University 荷兰斯坦德大学 - 走近荷兰(一)

Stenden University 荷兰斯坦德大学 - 走近荷兰(一)

       The Netherlands
       荷兰既拥有悠久的历史文化,同时也是一个创新、现代化和国际化的国家。凭借成功的出口贸易、工业和飞利浦、ING、联合利华以及Akzo Nobel等大型跨国公司,荷兰在地图上虽小,但是全球影响力却很大。

       International by definition
       自从17世纪以来,国际贸易就是荷兰的经济基石,而现在的荷兰仍然是一个非常开放、非常国际化的国家。荷兰地处数条欧洲大河流入北海的三角洲地带,理想的 地理位置使荷兰成为贸易和交通运输的中心。如今,鹿特丹是欧洲最大的港口,而阿姆斯特丹的Schiphol机场是欧洲最繁忙的航空港之一。物流和运输便利 是这个国家最核心的优势,荷兰现在是全球第16大经济体(而整个国家的人口仅有1600万)。同时作为欧洲乃至全世界的旅行枢纽,荷兰也获益于稠密而高效 的公路和铁路网。荷兰南北长300多千米,东西长250千米,因此很容易就游遍整个国家。


       English spoken here
       由于荷兰国际化的教育,其他语言的使用情况非常普遍,比如德语和法语,而且你几乎找不出一个无法用英语交流的人。实际上,87%的荷兰人都会英语。因此, 荷兰成为世界上第一个开设全英课程的非英语国家也就是件很自然的事情了。在斯坦德,这些学习项目部分是由英语为母语的教职人员授课,这是为了保持最佳的教 育标准。

       Open and diverse
       荷兰长久以来就向外国人开放,荷兰的思想和宗教自由以及商业在历史上吸引了无数人。现在,荷兰生活着来自190多个不同国家的居民。这种文化的多样性使得 来自全世界的知识、想法和文化汇集到了荷兰。荷兰另一个显著的特点是个人交往的开放性和言行举止的直接性。


      The colour orange
       荷兰是一个君主立宪制国家,现任Beatrix女王居住的橙宫(House of Orange)扮演着象征性的角色。但是,大部分公众都对君主制传统非常热情,比如在4月30日的女王日(Queen’s Day),几乎全国民众都装扮成橙色模样走上街头参加这个巨大的聚会游行。当荷兰国家足球队表现优异时,全国上下也会有这样的橙色狂欢,比如近期的世界 杯。

中文网站:http://www.gheac.com/edu/stenden/咨询电话:010-8447 6928
                  189 0119 3685
办公地址:北京市 东城区 东直门外大街48号 东方银座A座19F

The Netherlands
The Dutch combine history and traditional culture with innovation, modernism and an international outlook. Thanks to successful export, industries and major multinationals like Philips, ING, Unilever and Akzo Nobel, the Netherlands are much bigger than their size on the map would suggest.

International by definition
International trade has been the cornerstone of the Dutch economy since the 17th century, which remains particularly open and internationally-oriented to this day. Located in the delta where several major European rivers flow into the North Sea, Holland was ideally situated to become a centre of trade and transport. Today, Rotterdam is Europe’s largest port and Amsterdam Airport Schiphol one of its main airports. Logistics and distribution are key strengths in an economy which is the 16th largest in the world (in a country of only 16 million people). As well as being a hub for European and intercontinental travel, the Netherlands benefits from dense and efficient road and rail networks. These, combined with the fact that the country is little more than 300km long from north to south and 250 km wide from east to west, make it easy to get around.

English spoken here
Thanks to the country’s international orientation, other languages are widely spoken – familiarity with French and German is common and you’ll be hard pressed to find anyone you cannot communicate with in English. In fact, around 87% of the Dutch population speak English. So it was natural that the Netherlands should become the first non-English speaking country in the world to offer study programmes taught entirely in English. At Stenden, such study programmes are delivered in part by native English-speaking staff, in order to maintain the highest teaching standards.

Open and diverse
The Netherlands has long been open to people of non-Dutch origin, historically attracted by freedom of thought and religion as well as commerce. Today it is home to over 190 different nationalities. This cultural diversity has made it a place where
knowledge, ideas and cultures from all over the world come together. Another distinctive characteristic of the Dutch is their openness in personal interaction and direct manner of acting and speaking.

The colour orange
The Netherlands is a constitutional monarchy, in which the House of Orange, currently headed by Queen Beatrix, plays a largely symbolic role. However, there is great public enthusiasm for the traditions associated with the monarchy, such as Queen’s Day on 30 April, when the whole country takes to the streets decked out in orange for a gigantic party. Much the same is true when the national football team does well, such as the recent World Cup.


