Stenden University 荷兰斯坦德大学 - 荷兰语入门
Dutch for beginners
Dutch words/phrases to practice
hello = hallo or hoi 你好!
good morning = goedemorgen 早上好!
good evening = goedenavond 晚上好!
good night = goedenacht 晚安!
goodbye = tot ziens 再见!
please = alstublieft 请!
thank you = dank u wel 谢谢!
how are you = hoe gaat het 你好吗?
what is your name = hoe heet jij 你叫什么名字?
cup of coffee/thea = kopje koffie/thee 一杯咖啡/茶
what is the time? = hoe laat is het? 几点了?
how much does that cost? = hoe duur is dat? 多少钱?
where can I find ……? = waar kan ik …… vinden? 我在哪里能找到……?
I like you = Ik vind je leuk 我喜欢你!
bicycle = fiets 自行车
food and drink = eten en drinken 食物和饮料
classroom = lokaal 教室
teacher = docent 老师
dentist = tandarts 牙医
fire brigade = brandweer 消防队
first aid = eerste hulp (ehbo) 急救
general practitioner/doctor = huisarts 全科医生/医生
hospital = ziekenhuis 医院
pharmacy = apotheek 药房
police station = politiebureau 警察局
store = winkel 商店
Automatic Teller Machine = pinautomaat 自动取款机
chemists / drugstore = drogist 药剂师/药店
cinema = bioscoop 电影院
library = bibliotheek 图书馆
post office = postkantoor 邮局
public transport = openbaar vervoer 公共交通
ticket (bus /train) = kaartje (bus/ trein) 票(公车/火车)
city hall = gemeentehuis 市政厅
If you want to practice your Dutch online visit the website
中文网站:咨询电话:010-8447 6928
189 0119 3685
办公地址:北京市 东城区 东直门外大街48号 东方银座A座19F