
[校友风采] 北京康莱德酒店学习与发展经理——斯坦德大学校友刘恺先生






假 如一个酒店需要350个员工,那么,100家酒店就会需要35000名员工。这就给当地创造了35000个工作机会。从人力资源的角度来看,这些员工是从 哪里来的呢?他们可能是来自于中国或者国际上其他的酒店,但是大多数是来自酒店管理集团的本身。大多数国际酒店管理公司已经在本公司设置了人才招募,人才 发展和人才挽留计划来应对在不久的将来,酒店业巨大的人才需求。不同的公司有着自己多种多样的计划,但是有一点是共同的,那就是,发现人才,施展他们的能 力去适应今后的领导岗位。


酒 店业或者是酒店商务无疑会成为最基本的商业服务。服务将会是所有产业中最重要的环节之一。比如教育业,银行业,旅游业等等,如果想在市场上占有更好的竞争 力,服务在其中重要的作用是为客人创造额外的价值。拿教育行业来说,量身制定学习计划以及灵活的学习时间是高端客户的要求。为的是应对沉重的工作负荷和紧 张的工作安排。这是服务拥有的附加价值,也就是酒店业的根本。 




这 个学习方法的关键是在于学生们需要通过小组讨论解决和分析课堂上所教授的知识。学生们通过与小组成员的讨论得出解决问题的不同方法和途径。问题有可能需要 创意或者创新,也可能是关于控制成本等等。PBL学习方法是非常关键的,因为它模拟了现实社会中真正的管理团队。当然,PBL学习方法也取决于参与者的参 与程度。





所 以毕业之后你可以做什么呢?最有可能是专注于运营工作。例如侍者或前台等。 运营是酒店最基础的工作。学生会从中获得大量的工作经验,这需要花几年的时间去了解酒店中大部分的业务。说到这里,可能会产生疑问,我们为什么需要花4年 的时间去学习如何服务。食物的提供是一个古老的概念。作为一个服务员,不应该仅仅停留在对食物的提供,还应该掌握就餐体验的艺术,介绍与客人相匹配的食 物。这需要知识,技能和销售技巧。只有这样,才可能达到对人员管理的更高层次。只有掌握了这些重要元素,才有成为一名经理的可能。

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办公地址:北京市 东城区 东直门外大街48号 东方银座A座19F

Interview with Kai Liu, Learning & Development Manager, Stenden Alumlus
Conrad Beijing

Why hospitality?

Tremendously Development
Hospitality is very well developed in most of European Countries as well as in the States, However in China it is still at the fundamental level. Clearly for us, we can easily trend here is growly tremendously. From the International Hotel Management Company, it is easily to realize in the coming 5 years there will be at least 100 Hotels managed by international company is opening in China only.
What this number means to us? - Great opportunities for the career development as well as a great demand of talent.
Suppose each hotel will need at 350 employees, 100 hotels sum up needs at least 35000 employees. That creates 35000 job opportunities for the local communities. From HR perspectives, where those people come from?  It could come from other hotels in China or international, but mostly from Management Group itself. Most of International Hotel Management Company has setup talent acquisition, talent development and talent retention programs in China or for Chinese nations because of the tremendous needs in the coming future for hospitality business. All the programs are varies by different companies, but there are something in common, discover the talent, stretch their abilities and prepared for the future leadership positions.

The fundamental of Service
Hospitality or hotel business is definitely become the fundamental business service. Service is becoming one the most important elements in all the industry. For instance, education, bank, tourism etc, for the purpose to be competitive within the market, Service is taking an important role is creating the additional value for guests. Taking education as example, creative tailor made learning schedule as well as well flexible learning hours is coming the high demands of the upscale clients. Of course the upscale clients is paying for the tailor made schedule and flexible learning hours because of the clients specific demands, heavy working load and tight work schedule. This is the additional value that service added and that is what the fundamental of hospitality.

What Stenden will bring to you?
An international Learning environment where we can learn and benefit from each other.

PBL – Problem Based Learning
It is a critical learning method that students form groups to solve analysis and solve the problems that lector assigned or people discovered. During the discussion, students need to engaging and work with team to discover the solution of the problems in different approaches. Could be creative and innovation or cost controlling etc.  PBL is very critical, because it is the simulation of real management team nowadays in the real world, but the benefit of PBL is depends on the degree of the participants’ engagement.

A real hotel school
Stenden University has its own 4 star Luxury Hotel that operated by students. During the study at Stenden, students can experience the operation and combine the theoretical part and operation part which maximize the learning experience. In addition, stenden offers a great opportunity to have last year internship in Europe, Asia and the States as an extra benefits for future career development.

What will do after graduation?

It is very popular question. If I studied hotel management, will I got a Management level position after graduation. The answer is definitely not. It is same with other subject as well, if you study law, you most like will not become a lawyer after graduation but a clerk instead.
So what will you do after graduation? Most of the possibilities will be focused in operation. This implies students will take a role waiter or receptionist etc. Operation is the basic of the hotel.  It also takes time for students to get more experience and to approve themselves. It will take a few years as most of the business. Talking about it, a question might be raised that why need to study for 4 years for simply serving the food. Serving food is one of old concept. Being a waiter is not simply serving the food, but to master the art of dining experience. To introduce the food guests with a fit. It requires the knowledge, the skill and up selling technique. Eventually, it will come the a higher level which goes to people management. For becoming a manager, those are the important elements a employee need to master with.


