
[校园生活] Stenden University 荷兰斯坦德大学 - 学生组织

  Stenden University 荷兰斯坦德大学 - 学生组织

       SIFE代表着学生参与自由企业(Students in Free Enterprise),它是一个活跃于全球40多个国家的全球公益性组织。SIFE团队与商业界和学术界领袖合作,而且这些团队建立于大学之中。SIFE团队由教师顾问领导,他们需要开发达到SIFE五个标准的社区拓展项目。



       莱瓦顿Studie stad
       莱 瓦顿Studiestad是一个专门为学生服务的组织。这个组织的主要目的就是要将莱瓦顿打造成为荷兰最好的学生城市。他们为学生组织各种活动,希望让莱 瓦顿充满生机活力。在力图促进莱瓦顿学生城市的水平之外,他们还销售运动卡。购买了这种运动卡之后,学生们可以用非常低廉的价格从极其丰富的运动种类中挑 选自己喜欢的项目。



       International Student Council IHM


咨询电话:010-8447 6928
                  189 0119 3685
办公地址:北京市 东城区 东直门外大街48号 东方银座A座19F

SIFE stands for Students in Free Enterprise and it is a global non-profit organization which is active in more than 40 countries. SIFE teams are working in partnership with business and academic leaders and the teams are established within universities. The SIFE teams are led by faculty advisors and they are challenged to develop community outreach projects that reach SIFE’s five project criteria.

Whilst you have come to study, you must not ignore your social life. The Foreign Relations Committee (FREC) provides a social programme especially for exchange and Grand Tour students with weekend trips, parties, sports events, dinners etc. FREC wants to support the exchange and Grand Tour students in particular, from the day of arrival until the day of departure.
Expect is a Group of people who organise activities with an extra layer. You can join this group to do workshops, a holiday-volunteer market, social projects, acting activities, journeys and other cultural and ideological activities. All students in Leeuwarden are welcome, you don’t have to pay contribution or apply for membership. You can join most activities for free, sometimes you have to pay a small contribution.

Leeuwarden Studie stad
Leeuwarden Studiestad is an organisation especially for students. The main goal of this organisation is to make Leeuwarden the best student city of the Netherlands. They organise activities and events for students with the purpose to make the city vibrant and alive. Besides the promotion of Leeuwarden as a student city, they sell the sports card. With this card students can choose from a huge number of sports for a very low price.

Welcome at the Stenden Promoteam website!
The Stenden Promoteam is a group of students from all studies who are active with giving information and/or representing Stenden during events. The main goal is to make potential students enthusiast about Stenden University of Applied Sciences.The Stenden Promoteam is a team, founded by the marketing department from Stenden and consists of enthusiastic students from all study programmes. National as well as international students are more than welcome to become a member and represent Stenden at all possible contact moments.

Since a few years, several promotional activities have been done by Stenden students, among which are many German students, members of the Deutschland-team (D-team). Due to the great success of these activities and the positive feedback from future students and their parents in June 2007, a professional Promoteam was started.

International Student Council IHM
The International Student Council IHM (ISCI) is formed by a motivated, dedicated and multi-cultural team of hotel school students. The aim of ISCI is to act as a supportive organ for IHM students. Moreover, ISCI actively contributes to the quality and realization of the IHM educational program, extra-curricular activities and the image of Stenden IHM. In addition, ISCI is there to act as an umbrella for all internal groups within IHM that have the common goal of improving the IHM education. For the realization of the goals, ISCI works closely together with students, tutors, personal coaches and the management of the IHM education.


