Stenden University 荷兰斯坦德大学 - 学生感言
Agnes from Germany
Agnes 来自德国
"I find PBL one of the most useful and helpful classes at Stenden. It requires selfstudy,but you also have to share your findings and ideas with others. PBL sessions make me more confident towork in a group. It is nice to learn from each other.“
Larry Nkacha fromCameroon
Larry Nkacha来自喀麦隆
"Stenden University of Applied Sciences is very welcoming. It provides a quiet and conducive environment. The lectures are really punctual and the students are dedicated in studying.”
Ayudh Bhattarai from Nepal
Ayudh Bhattarai 来自尼泊尔
"Before I came to Stenden and the Netherlands I expected to have a hard time settling in, but the amazing international environment and the friendly people of the international office made it very easy.’’
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Student experiences
‘Via the Marketing department, I got familiar with the D-team from Stenden. During the school visits, I was able to tell my old school friends about why I choose to study in the Netherlands at Stenden university. This is the nicest job I can possibly get here!’
‘After my application to become a member of the Promoteam, I received a professional training in presentation skills. This also helped me a lot during my study.’
‘Last year, I went with a group of other students to the study fair in Utrecht. Besides the great fun we had, we have learnt a lot and it was nice to help other students with their choice of study.’
‘The reason for me to be active in promoting Stenden is because I like to and because I can help improve the information which is given and talk to a lot potential students. When I was looking for a study, I also received valuable information from experienced students.’